Models 5

PURPOSE: Using Personal Power to Enhance Organizational Performance

How do you feel about power?

How do you use personal power as a leader/manager?

Learn how these issues thrust deep into your organization, and affect your
employees’ commitment to their mission.

This module is designed to address a core issue in determining both managerial and organizational competence. The issue is “Power” and how individual managers feel about it and use personal power in performing their managerial duties.

Power and authority are a part of our working lives no matter what type of organizations we are in. We all exercise power, even though organizational leaders are most often seen as having and controlling power.

Nothing has a greater impact on managers themselves, their direct reports, and their organization, than how they manage and share their power. Research confirms that a manager’s power style differentiates the truly productive manager from their less productive colleagues.

This module helps leaders/managers:

  • Discover the effects of power dynamics
  • Identify why individuals want power
  • Understand the benefits of power sharing


Specific objectives for Module 5:

  1. To demonstrate and experience three different power styles in a simulated manager-subordinate relationship;
  2. To introduce research-based models for analyzing power dynamics (style issues as developed by Robert Blake & Jane Mouton and motivational issues as reported by David McClelland & David Burnham);
  3. To provide feedback on one’s personal need for power (power motivation) coupled with data from subordinates concerning their perception of why the manager seeks power and how he or she uses the power available (power style).


Since this training module addresses a fundamental issue in managerial performance, this training module is appropriate for all levels of management and supervision.

It is also appropriate as a preparation experience for those who are contemplating moving into the managerial or supervisory ranks.

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