Management/Leadership Styles

What makes a good manager / leader? 

Effective managers and leaders make themselves aware of their strengths and needs, and how their own personal values impact their style of management. 

Identify your style of managing people – as seen by you and by your coworkers. 

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various management / leadership styles. 

PURPOSE: Discover How Well Your Leadership Style Works and What To Do If It Doesn’t

This training module integrates prevailing theories of management by (1) presenting a model for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of various management styles and (2) providing an action exercise for “pulling together,” in a comprehensive framework, other models dealing with issues of motivation, communication, power, and management values, which combine to make an overall management “style.” Thus, Module 7 serves to integrate much of the material presented in other modules in the seminar. It also provides a structure for systematically examining personal behavior from multiple vantage points (1) to facilitate better understanding of personal style preferences, and (2) to provide a framework for making more informed choices regarding a program of personal change – if needed or desired

This module helps leaders/managers:

  • Evaluate their current style of leadership/management
  • Discover the impact of common styles
  • Develop a research proven “best” style
  • Forge a framework for making the best management-style choices


Specific objectives for Module 7:

  • To familiarize participants with the Hall’s Style Parallax Model of People / Performance Issues as a way to analyze management “style” according
    to multiple considerations;
  • To provide, via a synthesis task, an opportunity and the necessary structure for conceptually relating the works of several behavioral science theorists
    that influence style;
  • To provide an opportunity for receiving feedback regarding one’s perception of his or her own style, coupled with feedback from subordinates or co-workers regarding their assessments of the manager’s practices;
  • To explore some of the action alternatives available to participants as strategies for change upon their return to the real world of work.


Individual management style is, obviously, a critical factor in organizational functioning. Thus, this training module is appropriate for all levels of management and supervision as well as for those contemplating moving into the managerial or supervisory ranks.
A caveat: Because of the integrative focus – i.e., a synthesis of complementary concepts – the group exercise used may only be appropriate
for people who have completed the modules on management values, communication styles, motivation, and power.

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