Group Decision Making

PURPOSE: Transforming Low Performaning Groups into Winners

Explore the pitfalls common to groups that perform poorly.

Learn a fail-safe way to transform the dynamics of groups.

Experience firsthand the impact of these dynamics and how you can contribute to them.

Practice applying an in-depth blueprint for success – the principles of creative problem solving.

Teams are a reality of organizational life. Today’s organizations consist of interconnected groups of people, and “teaming” appears to be a permanent reality. How people relate to one another in the integration of task/social and emotional activities is the core issue if teams are to be effective. Douglas McGregor observed that groups function as their members make them function and international research clearly indicates that team members can learn to function more effectively.

This module is designed to explore the basic dynamics of group problem solving and to examine some of the common pitfalls characterizing groups that perform
poorly. More important, a fail-safe alternative to such pitfalls is presented in the form of an in-depth blueprint for managing Commitment, Conflict, Creativity, and Consensus – the “Four Cs” of creative group problem solving. Through several structured exercises and feedback sessions, participants have an opportunity to experience some of these dynamics personally and to analyze their own contributions to group functioning.

This module helps leaders/managers:

  • Experience the power of consensus decision-making
  • Understand how groups function
  • Discover the “best” way to lead for creativity


Specific objectives for Module 6:

  • To provide an opportunity to explore more directly and personally group dynamics, both as these are portrayed in a film, and as they occur in participant groups;
  • To provide an opportunity to test out the validity of several principles of group dynamics as these pertain to group productivity;
  • To explore the efficacy of individual as compared to group productivityin the making of decisions;
  • To experiment with the consensus technique of group functioning; and
  • To provide an opportunity for the assessment and critique of individual contributions to team action.


Since group problem-solving and decision-making skills are critical at all levels of organizational functioning, this training module is appropriate for everyone who works in groups – whether as members-at-large or as leaders. The program is equally appropriate for self-directed teams, those engaged in strategic planning, and special study groups.

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